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CVL Sponsors Lafayette Aviators Again in 2023

Lafayette Aviators Sponsorship – 2023
CVL is proud to once again be participating in the life of the Greater Lafayette Community as a sponsor of the Lafayette Aviators Baseball Team.  At CVL, we believe respecting the dignity of each individual and facilitating access and opportunity for everyone makes the community better for all of us.  In other words, we believe the community is stronger when everyone is involved.
Community Ventures in Living: promoting dignity, opportunity, and community for all.  Because when everyone participates, everybody wins.
The Top Navigator Award recognizes individuals who promote and facilitate this kind of community involvement and integration.  Why is it important to recognize these folks?  Because what they do takes vision, effort, and courage.  It can be easy for any of us to ignore or avoid others who at first appear different from us.  But once you get to know someone, you realize you have much more in common with them than you might have thought initially.  And when everyone is welcomed into the life of the community, and everyone contributes to that community, the community is stronger, more vibrant, and more able to provide everyone with the good things in life that we all want.  In short, everybody wins!
Here’s an example: we serve an individual in his late 20’s.  He was living a pretty good life with his parents in their home.  However, his dream was to have a place of his own.  His grandmother bought into his dream and began helping him raise the funds that would be necessary to make it a reality.  His parents continued to coordinate with staff to help him develop the skills necessary to live more independently.  CVL joined in the vision of home ownership for individuals with disabilities and created a path where he could develop a credit history to one day qualify for a mortgage and realize his dream.  Everyone involved in this example helped to play a role in expanding opportunities for this individual to be a part of the community in new ways.  Any one of them would be a worthy recipient of the Top Navigator Award.  The individual could also be recognized for his courage in breaking out of traditional limitations and serving as a role model for what can be possible.
We invite you to think about people you know who affirm the dignity of others and work to create more and better opportunities for them to access and engage in the life of the community.  And think about those who take advantage of these opportunities to blaze new trails of equality and inclusion.  Together, let’s recognize and celebrate those who work to make sure that in our community everybody wins.  Please take time to fill out the nomination form and recognize someone who make our community a better place to live for us all.