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Creating Inclusive Lifestyles through Valued Social Roles


Creating Inclusive Lifestyles Through Valued Social Roles

A 2 Day Workshop Presented by Darcy Elks M.A.

This workshop will provide opportunities for participants to think and learn about the following topics:

·      What a truly inclusive lifestyle really is

·      Why it is so difficult to create inclusive lifestyles on behalf of/with people with significant disabilities

·      Positive examples of people who were excluded from society who now have inclusive lifestyles

·      The power of valued social roles to create the potential for inclusive lifestyles


Practical application of the ideas: 

Each participant will be asked to come prepared to think about one person who would like an inclusive lifestyle. The workshop will include small group work that will provide guidance to develop a vision of valued social roles that a person might like to try. Additionally, participants will develop a plan to assist the person to get rooted in valued social roles.


Format of the Workshop:

This workshop will include presentation, reflection, discussion and small group work led by an experienced group leader.  The workshop is very practical and participants will leave with many ideas of how to implement the concepts they learn in the workshop.


Information about the workshop leader:

Darcy is an educator, human service evaluator, parent and advocate on behalf of people who are societally devalued.  She is an international consultant and has traveled to many different countries to advocate for full meaningful inclusive lifestyles for marginalized people.

Darcy has worked with many different groups of people, including persons who have themselves been marginalized by society, family members, professionals from different disciplines and human service providers from different fields e.g., intellectual disability, mental health, and aging.

Over the years, Darcy has developed and taught workshops that focus on devaluation, its consequences, and what can be done to effectively deal with these dynamics.  She is a master teacher of Social Role Valorization (SRV).  SRV was created by Dr. Wolfensberger and has been used in many different countries as the foundation of community services

The focus of Darcy’s work is to encourage attitudes and structures, which promote social value and inclusion for people who have disabilities and other people who have been devalued and excluded.  Darcy’s passion is to help create inclusive communities where we are all welcome and where we can each use our gifts for the good of one another. 

Darcy also accompanies her 3 adult children, each who have a disability on their life journey.  Darcy’s children have and continue to teach her and deepen her passion.


To register, please complete the form below.


Participant Information
This email will be used for all correspondence during the workshop.
Role Selection
The Workshop Participant role is best for individuals working directly to assist people in developing new valued social roles. This role will participate in the workshop Wednesday July 24th and Thursday July 25th. The Mentor role will participate Tuesday July 23 to Friday July 26th and will not only work through the same material as the workshop participants but also learn about resources and strategies to assist the workshop participants in successfully moving forward with the knowledge gained in helping people develop new roles after the workshop. The mentor role requires a firm understanding of SRV. We will work to honor role requests however the workshop requires a balance of roles to be successful and adjustments may be necessary.
Additional Information
Select all that apply
Please indicate if you have any accommodation needs for mobility, diet or workshop environment.